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Brexit negotiations are still going but this leaves a lot of uncertainty for Brits looking to move to Europe. There is also uncertainty over the future of the EHIC card in Europe.

Select your UK residents travel insurance below...

Alpha Travel Cover Insurance

Up to £250 total valuables limit to replace your stolen or damaged items and cover your watches and sunglasses
- Single Trip & Annual Multi-trip policies to age 99
- Optional cover for over 2,000 medical conditions
> Get a quote from ALPHA COVER


Insure for Good to Go (no age limits)
At there are no age limits at all on our single trip travel insurance. So your age won't be a barrier to getting insurance for your holiday - whether you are over 65, over 80 or over 90!
Quotes from £14.99
> Get a quote from GOOD TO GO


trav ins for med TRAVEL MEDICAL 4 INSURANCE (covers up to 99 yrs)
TI for Med offer a great choice of policies to suit both the way you like to travel as well as your pocket. Use the links below to get an instant quote for your Single Trip, Annual, Long Stay, Winter Sports or Cruise travel insurance.
Quotes from £16.00

> Get a quote from the INSURANCE 4 MEDICAL


explorer Explorer (no age limits)
If you are aged over 65 years or have pre-existing medical conditions, Explorer Travel Insurance can help with our Platinum policy.
Quotes from £14.99
> Get a quote from EXPLORER


Columbus Over (no age limits)
Columbus will cover you all the way into your nineties! Now theres a thing!
Quotes from £9.00
> Get a quote from COLUMBUS


justtravel Just Travel (no age limits)
Just travel pay particular attention to pre-existing medical conditions and goes the extra mile to cover as many of them as possible.
Quotes from £19.32
> Get a quote from JUST TRAVEL


explorer Explorer (no age limits)
If you are aged over 65 years or have pre-existing medical conditions, Explorer Travel Insurance can help with our Platinum policy.
Quotes from £14.99

> Get a quote from EXPLORER



Long Stay travel insurance

Whilst most holidays last a couple of weeks or just over, there is a demand for travel insurance to cover long stays of up to a year (or in some cases even longer). For policyholders under 70, many companies cease offering insurance for periods over 31 days, although single trip cover is offered for trips not over 93 days at younger ages. In addition there are specialised backpacker travel insurance policies aimed at providing limited cover for students and VSO worker below certain ages (typically 35) for periods over 90 days (up to a year or 18 months).

Long stay travel insurance policies typically offer lower levels of cover for cancellation (as the traveller aged over 75 is unlikely to be residing in a single hotel accommodation over the duration of the trip but, on the contrary, will be moving around in the countries visited or sojourning with relatives.) However in some cases travel insurance with high levels of cancellation cover may be required e.g. long cruises are very expensive.

Favourite places for the over 75 to spend long stays are Australia, Canada, America - countries with a strong English bias wither relatives have emigrated and there is a desire to see grandchildren. Since accommodation is usually free the actual cost of the journey is simply the air fares and, since the traveller is now over the retirement age (a pensioner) there is great flexibility in selecting appropriate dates for travel.

Nevertheless travel insurance is recommended for an extended stay abroad since a long stay increases the possibility of an elderly traveller suffering either from complications of existing medical conditions, or the onset of new ones. Especially in America (under the new Affordable care Act) medical costs are expensive and so the cover for long stays abroad can be expensive (premiums over £1,000 are not unusual for long stays).

seeking out the best travel insurance options for oldies

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