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Travel insurance over 90

Just because you are in your 90s doesn't mean to say you don't want to holiday! Listed below are a range of travel insurance providers for the Over 80s so for anyone aged 91,92,93,94,95,96 and beyond that.

Alpha Travel Cover Insurance

Up to £250 total valuables limit to replace your stolen or damaged items and cover your watches and sunglasses
- Single Trip & Annual Multi-trip policies to age 99
- Optional cover for over 2,000 medical conditions
> Get a quote from ALPHA COVER


Insure for Good to Go (no age limits)
At there are no age limits at all on our single trip travel insurance. So your age won't be a barrier to getting insurance for your holiday - whether you are over 65, over 80 or over 90!
Quotes from £14.99
> Get a quote from GOOD TO GO


trav ins for med TRAVEL MEDICAL 4 INSURANCE (covers up to 99 yrs)
TI for Med offer a great choice of policies to suit both the way you like to travel as well as your pocket. Use the links below to get an instant quote for your Single Trip, Annual, Long Stay, Winter Sports or Cruise travel insurance.
Quotes from £16.00



explorer Explorer (no age limits)
If you are aged over 65 years or have pre-existing medical conditions, Explorer Travel Insurance can help with our Platinum policy.
Quotes from £14.99
> Get a quote from EXPLORER


Columbus Over (no age limits)
Columbus will cover you all the way into your nineties! Now theres a thing!
Quotes from £9.00
> Get a quote from COLUMBUS


justtravel Just Travel (no age limits)
Just travel pay particular attention to pre-existing medical conditions and goes the extra mile to cover as many of them as possible.
Quotes from £19.32
> Get a quote from JUST TRAVEL


lv  travel insurance LV Travel Insurance (covers any age)
Choose from either Essential or our 5 Star Defaqto rated Premier cover which offers: Up to £10,000 cancellation cover for illness, All pre-existing medical conditions considered, No upper age limit for single trips, Cruise cover automatically included on annual policies, You can choose to add cover for baggage and winter sports and we also have cover for cruises.
10% Discount on quotes online
> Get a quote from LV INSURANCE


avanti Avanti Travel Insurance (covers up to 85 yrs)
From weekend breaks to one year trips
Cruise cover provided as standard
Quotes from £17.00

Cruise Insurance for the Over 65s?

Cruise insurance for the over 90 with additional benefits specifically covering high-cost cancellation risks are available. Cruise insurance can cover Mediterranean as well as Caribbean holidays. We recommend that an insurance policy with a high cancellation cover is taken, if needed. Cancellation cover up to £10,000 is available online and on referral we can increase the total amount e.g. over £20,000, if needed- the sum insured is per person, not the total of the holiday.

As, by the nature, cruises visit different countries, insurance calculation is often based on different criteria e.g. the value of the cruise. Most policies are, in fact suitable for insuring cruises providing the correct area is selected - this may mean that, for a Mediterranean Cruise, worldwide cover has to be selected if the ship is docking in the South Mediterranean or Middle East, however there are some insurance companies e.g. Redwood which rate the whole of the Mediterranean the same.
Ski and Winter sports travel insurance

Active travellers over 75 need suitable ski insurance. Over 90 types of ski ing are noted. Winter sports travel insurance is available. A plethora of providers are unwilling to consider extending insurance to cover winter sports. Nevertheless such activities as ski-ing, snow-boarding, sledging may be considered. Some insurance providers regard the elderly (over 75) as being substantially more careful when traversing the slopes (whether nursery, black or intermediate) and are willing to afford protection, albeit typically with a 100% premium load.

Note that sometimes the travel insurance quotation system will automatically redirect to a third-party website. The reason is that in some specialist situations, one product is noticeably more suitable in terms of price and cover than any other or, indeed, may be the sole one quoting.


Travel Insurance Over 90s

seeking out the best travel insurance options for oldies

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